45 years of experience

We have constantly raised our quality standards to overcome all the challenges that the market has placed before us: this has led us in 45 years to accumulate a great deal of experience kept intact by the continuity of the shareholding structure. Hand in hand with professional growth, we have expanded and updated the production structure both in terms of organization and in terms of machinery.
Since 2010, the choice to specialize in the production of components for hydraulic cylinders has made us take another step forward in our search for quality and efficiency.

Structure and fleet of machines

TRB has a large fleet of latest generation robotic machine tools.
To compete with the global market, various types of machinery have been installed, from twin-spindle lathes, with motorized tools, so as to be able to complete the machining of the details on a single machine, shortening order crossing times, to work islands, for pieces more complex, where it is possible to count even 7 process phases in succession, to the double-pallet and multi-pallet work centers.

All these lathes and work islands are powered by robots, both portal-type, integrated into the machine, and anthropomorphic, in order to guarantee sufficient power to work 24/7 even with unmanned shifts.
We also have a department with 6 traditional numerical control machines , with operator on board, for the production of batches with reduced numbers, to meet market demands and greater flexibility.

We specialize in machining components for steel, cast iron, and stainless steel hydraulic cylinders . We can work pieces with a diameter between 50 and 200 mm for lathes, and up to 1000×1000 for machining centres.

We ensure a good standard of quality through constant checks during the production process carried out by different operators.


In 2016 T.R.B. has decided to implement the Quality System according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard.
In this way, the company aligns itself with the best international quality standards and ensures its customers constant commitment to the application of corporate quality.
The Quality Management System was adapted in 2017 to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Questo riconoscimento si basa sul CRIBIS Rating, un indicatore dinamico e costantemente aggiornato dell’affidabilità di un’azienda.


Over time we have built a team in which everyone contributes their own skills and peculiarities. Human value and individual characteristics are combined with the professional skills of each member of our staff, and this has led us to have a constructive atmosphere and a great team spirit in the company, also testified by the very low turnover rate.

Paola Balotta

Paola Balotta

Administrative Office
Mauro Lugli

Mauro Lugli

Production manager


Purchasing • Shipping
Commercial Backoffice
Eros Gibertini

Eros Gibertini

Technical Manager
Paola Balotta

Paola Balotta

Administrative Office
Mauro Lugli

Mauro Lugli

Production manager
Asia Baldi

Asia Baldi

Purchasing • Shipping
Commercial Backoffice
Eros Gibertini

Eros Gibertini

Technical Manager